Time: Saturday, May 4, 2019 from 10am to 4pm
Place: 3505 International Place NW Washington, D.C. 20008
Visitors to the Embassy of China will have a chance to tour the Embassy chancery building, enjoy the authentic Chinese artwork and various performances & shows, including martial arts, traditional and ethnic dance, folk opera, calligraphy, paper tearing and tea art demonstrations, along with the opportunity to sample Chinese cuisine. Visitors will also have the chance to learn more about China's scientific and technological innovations as well as insights into travel and tourism in China. Exciting hands-on experiences can also be explored when you walk in, together with an amazing and memorable program of events which will take place on that day.
There is no charge to participate in the Chinese Embassy Open House and tickets are not required. Visitors are kindly requested to bring a government-issued photo ID. We also recommend that the security rules (as attached) to be read through when planning the trip to our Open House.
Chinese Embassy Open Day Security Rules
We hope you have a great experience in the Chinese Embassy. To ensure a safe and pleasant visit for everyone, please read and follow the security rules carefully:
1. Photo ID is requested for admission.
2. The following items are prohibited in the embassy building: l Weapons: (including, but not limited to) knives, firearms, explosives, bio/radiological substances l Lighters and other flammable materials l Liquids l Banners, posters, etc. l Drugs l Backpacks l Foods l Strollers l Roller Blades, Skates, and Skateboards l Pets
3. There is a non-tolerance policy for protesting at anytime. Those who fail to follow the rules will be removed and handed over to the police.
4. Do not take videos in the building. Tripods or selfie sticks are not allowed in the embassy building.
5. Smoking is prohibited.
6. Please take care of the elderly and young children in your party.
7. All rights of interpreting the above terms are reserved to the Chinese Embassy