On July 5, Lai Ching-te had an Op-ed published by the Wall Street Journal. He propagated his so-called “four pillars”, a gloss-over of his despicable trade of selling out Taiwan to the United States. Liu Pengyu, the Spokesperson of the Chinese Embassy in the US has sent a Letter to the Editor, which was published by the WSJ on July 18(https://www.wsj.com/articles/china-taiwan-independence-dpp-lai-ching-te-b63b3b8c ).
The letter reads as follows:
To show his loyalty to his American patron, Lai Ching-te, the lead candidate of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for the 2024 local elections of China’s Taiwan region, presents “four pillars” to sell out Taiwan to the U.S. (“My Plan to Preserve Peace in the Taiwan Strait,” op-ed, July 5).
Mr. Lai proposes to “build up Taiwan’s deterrence.” His true agenda is to resist by force the motherland’s reunification. A “military threat” from China’s mainland is the DPP’s pretext for purchasing over $4 billion in U.S. weaponry in two years alone. Squandering 2.6% of local GDP, the DPP is turning the island into a powder keg.
Mr. Lai also advocates “secure supply chains.” The real thing is to decouple with China’s mainland. Certainly, he won’t care about the close cross-Strait economic ties: Trade grew by over 7,000 times from 1978 to 2021. China’s mainland is Taiwan’s biggest export market and investment destination.
Mr. Lai’s support for “the cross-strait status quo” is actually for so-called “peaceful separation” and “one China, one Taiwan.” He has betrayed the totality of the Chinese nation.
Mr. Lai claims to “never rule out the possibility of dialogue without preconditions, based on the principles of reciprocity and dignity.” This is an old camouflage to deny the one-China principle. No wonder in 2017 he called himself a “pragmatic worker for Taiwan independence.” Given the one-China principle is the foundation for cross-Strait peace and stability, Mr. Lai’s word tricks aren’t in the interest of peace at all.
When Mr. Lai calls for “forming partnerships with democracies,” he is requesting U.S. support for Taiwan independence. In what way is the DPP “democratic” and “progressive”? Social division and tepid growth are the DPP’s performance. No one should underestimate the resolve of the Chinese people to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity. DPP’s attempt to sell out Taiwan is despicable. Seeking independence is doomed to fail.