On July 27, 2024, Chinese Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng delivered remarks at the Symposium in Commemoration of the 45th Anniversary of China-U.S. Diplomatic Relations held in the San Francisco Bay Area. He said that China’s development and trade with the U.S. contribute to the latter’s economic growth, broaden the market prospects to American companies and bring high-quality and inexpensive goods to American households. The over 70,000 American companies are sharing in the dividends of China’s development. Their exports to China have supported 930,000 American jobs. If the U.S. really gets “disadvantaged”, how is it possible for cooperation to have lasted for 40 to 50 years? Is it really in the U.S. interests to focus solely on containing China, even at the cost of abandoning free trade, market principles and the spirit of contracts?、
Ambassador Xie pointed out that trade war, industrial war and tech war have no winners. Decoupling will not bring the wanted results. Statistics show that ending the permanent normal trade relations with China would lead to a 1.6 trillion-dollar economic loss for the U.S. To our two countries, respective success means mutual opportunities, not challenges, and the two sides should help each other succeed, not undermine each other. We need to make the list of cooperation longer and the negative list shorter. We should diffuse the negative, zero-sum narratives with the uplifting stories of dialogue and cooperation.